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Karate by the Sea

Mighty Ninja Membership


The Mighty Ninja Membership entitles juniors up to 12 to train on specific Mighty Ninja training sessions and can attend all ages Manakai Martial Arts Bujutsu sessions provided they are accompanied with a training parent or guardian or otherwise instructed



Sign up for fortnightly direct debit payments and receive discounted pricing.

(All pricing includes GST, insurance and  grading fees up to Level 8)


Contact for Term by Term pricing




Junior Membership (Mighty Ninja)

 = $35.00 - per fortnight

For members up to 12yrs can attend Mighty Ninja classes per week.

Includes insurance (Plus one off $49.99 Registration fee) 

(Refer Terms and conditions for further details)





Private lessons for 1 = $110 per session

If you are looking to maximise your training, book a one on one session.

The lessons are customised to you, covering any any topics that you wish

Fee's payable 24hrs prior to each session





Private lessons for 2 = $85 each per session

If you are looking to maximise your training and have a friend interested

in the same, book a private lesson for the two of you.

The lessons are customised to you, covering any any topics that you wish

Fee's payable 24hrs prior to each session




NDIS Funded lessons = NDIS Pricing arrangements 2024

Manakai Martial Arts is partnered with livelihood support services

(registered NDIS provider) as a provider of “Group and Centre Based Activity”

and “individual based activity” in martial arts for ‘agency managed NDIS funds.

Under current legislation Manakai Martial Arts is able to provide services as

a non-registered provider to participants that are ‘self-managed or

plan-managed’ under NDIS. Contact us for more infomation





Free trial= $0

Try before you commit. Includes 2 sessions




Terms and Conditions

It’s a condition of enrolment that members are aware of and agree to abide by the Manakai Martial Arts terms and conditions. We also expect Junior students, and their parents on their behalf, to read and understand these terms and conditions.



All members and their guests use Manakai Martial Arts facilities and Home-Based Training programs at their own risk. Manakai Martial Arts cannot accept responsibility for damage or injury caused through use of any facility or Home-Based Training location. Furthermore, Manakai Martial Arts is not responsible for any lost or stolen items, or damage to property or vehicles.

Damage to Manakai Martial Arts property must be paid for by any member who wilfully or negligently causes such damage. Members are responsible for damage caused by their guests or children.



Members, their parents or legal guardians realise that sometimes injuries may occur while doing martial arts and sports due to accidents. They will not hold Manakai Martial Arts, its instructors or event organisers and helpers responsible for any injuries that may occur at Manakai Martial Arts Dojo’s, Events or during Home Based Training away from Manakai Martial Arts and away from the presence of an Instructor and agree to Manakai Martial Arts staff seeking medical help or administering first aid in the case of injury as deemed appropriate. Costs associated with the injury will be the responsibility of the member, parent or legal guardian.



Student accident Insurance is compulsory. Insurance is included in all memberships. 

Policy and claims information is available from the Manakai Martial Arts Membership Coordinator. Claims must be made directly to the insurer, not Manakai Martial Arts, within 30 days of the incident. The incident must be recorded on an Accident Report Form at the time it occurs. Student accident insurance is not intended to replace members’ own medical/hospital benefit insurance. Casual Members are required to pay a $50 insurance fee per year on the anniversary or membership renual.



Our site may provide you with the ability to use usernames, passwords or other codes or devices to gain access to restricted portions of our site. The content contained in such restricted areas is protected intellectual property.

Minors should always ask their parents or guardians for permission before providing any contact information to anyone online. We urge parents and guardians to participate in their children’s online activities and use parental control or other web filtering technology to supervise children’s access to the Internet.



All membership fees must be paid in full as agreed. Our staff are trained to explain to you the terms and conditions of our memberships, to ensure that you make an informed decision when joining Manakai Martial Arts for your training needs. Membership fees are calculated over a 12-month period irrespective of holidays.

Manakai Martial Arts offers two membership payment types — a fortnightly Direct Debit Membership and a Casual Member. Respectfully, practising members must be financial members.



Direct Debit memberships are available at discounted rates for Juniors / Teens, and Seniors. To qualify for the discount, new members must sign up for Direct Debit. There are no refunds. Members may cancel their membership with 14 day’s notice.

Casual Membership is at a flat rate of $25.00 per session excluding events or specialist programs. Casual Members are required to pay $50 grading fee up to Black belt and $50 insurance at the start of membership and annually on anniversary date of membership



Direct Debit fortnightly memberships are calculated over a 12 month period allowing for 40 training weeks. This membership type is pay-as-you-go and ongoing for a 12-month period.

Payments are made via direct debit to your credit/debit card, or Bank account.

Should a membership payment be rejected it will incur a bank fee, that fee will be added to the member’s rejection amount.



Training sessions during holiday periods will be determined on commitment of attendance. Class sessions will be charged at the casual rate of $25 per session unless otherwise stipulated.


Membership Suspension

Members can suspend their Membership for a minimum of 14 days, as long as their fee payments are up-to-date. To suspend a membership, email us at Head Office

Membership start or renewal times are never backdated.

If you have a query or concern about membership suspensions, contact the Head Office on

0488 058 822 or


Membership Cancellation

Members can cancel their membership with at least 14 business days’ notice to ensure good communication to Instructors and Membership Co-Ordinator. To cancel a Membership, contact Head Office, for assistance. Membership fees must be paid in full to the effective date of cancellation. Members are welcome to keep training until the effective date of cancellation.


Price Increases

Membership price increase notices are displayed on the website and communicated to paid members 14 days before any increase.


Terms & Conditions Changes

Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice and posted on

New conditions are effective immediately from the date of change.


Change of Address

We ask that members notify us of a change of mailing address, email address or telephone numbers as soon as possible. It is essential that you keep this information up-to-date so that we can contact you if necessary or in an emergency. Your email address is also used to activate Home Based Training and tell you about news and events.



Progress and Concerns

Members can discuss their progress or concerns with our instructors or staff at any time.


Class Attendance

Always call us if you can't attend class, so we can help you catch up. It’s vital to catch up on syllabus work.


CLASS FREQUENCY (Based upon membership type)

Members can attend unlimited classes excluding special events and seminars.


Casual Members pay per session. 


Facility Availability

All students can train at any Manakai Martial Arts advertised centre.



We believe members should always act in ways that acknowledge pride in Manakai Martial Arts and themselves. Manakai Martial Arts members are expected to always use common sense and are regarded as being under the centre’s discipline when on the premises or at Manakai Martial Arts functions.


To maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the centre, and to allow members to train in a positive environment, we ask that members exhibit disciplined and responsible conduct

Manakai Martial Arts retains the right to discipline, suspend or dismiss any member from its Centres or Hubs, on the grounds of unsatisfactory conduct or performance of the member or the member's parent, or failure to observe any of our rules


Take pride in your uniform by wearing it neatly and appropriately

Always use common courtesy, good judgement and general good manners, which includes responding kindly and politely to the words and actions of other people

Be considerate and respectful of others, which includes considering the volume of your voice, swearing and offensive language


Consider your own safety as well as the safety of others — be careful where you place your possessions



Martial Arts is a close contact activity. We ask that members maintain high standards of personal hygiene and keep their fingernails and toenails clean and trimmed.



Manakai Martial Arts staff may take photographs of students at times, in class or at events, which may be used on our website or social media sites.

Tell us if you don’t want your photograph taken or published.

Training Rules and Guidelines


General Conduct

Manakai Martial Arts is committed to providing positive and dynamic martial arts training facilities. To do so, some guidelines need to be followed for the benefit of all members and for the constant and never-ending improvement of the training centre. We want you to train effectively and realise your goals.


Members are asked to not infringe on the rights of others, nor bring discredit through their actions on themselves or Manakai Martial Arts

Adherence to our rules and guidelines will help us to run more efficiently and let us serve you better

Work on your fitness with meaning 24/7

Show your Centre membership card at reception on arrival so your attendance can be recorded

  • Bow on entering and leaving the dojo

  • Bow to instructors as a courtesy

  • Always wear the proper uniform

  • For safety reasons, wear no jewellery in class

  • No chewing gum is allowed

  • Use only your own water bottle

  • Use your own training gear in sparring such as mouthguard, groin guard, arm and shin guards, etc

  • No food is allowed in the training dojo

  • Members taking medication (e.g. asthma inhaler) should it at all times and tell their instructor

  • Member allergies must be indicated on event forms

  • Abusive language or misconduct is not tolerated

  • A high standard of personal discipline is expected

  • Warming up before training and cooling down after training is essential to prevent injuries

  • Tell your instructor in advance if you need to leave early

  • Manakai Martial Arts is smoke free inside and around the perimeters of Centres

The system has you mastering your craft from the beginning

Tel: 0488 058 822         Email:

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Manakai Martial Arts PTY LTD ABN 86 663 204 662 

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